UKE22 started out as an idea by Wim van Ommen somewhere in 2013, and he decided to put up some ads.
Remco Takken responded to one of them, and Wim and Remco decided to meet up.
In 2014 UKE22 became a duo with Wim on vocals and ukulele and Remco on baritonguitar
The baritonguitar is an instrument somewhere inbetween a bas and a guitar.
As we where getting somewhere as a duo, it made sense to find a drummer.
We found one in Ewout Nijhof, and thus UKE22 became a trio.
In 2014 Ewout decided to quit and this make UKE22 a duo again.
We got in contact with Herman de Groot in 2015 and that is when UKE22 again became a trio.
In 2018 Remco decided the thrill had gone, and even though we had fun, he quit.
We found a fine replacement in Peter den Besten, so UKE22 remained a trio.
In 2019 Peter unfortunately had to quit, and we started the search for a replacement.
After some searching in january 2020 Dave Gotjé joined us, making UKE22 complete again.
End of 2024 Wim decided to live closer to his job which resulted in UKE22 being just Wim at the moment.
Wim is now looking for local musicians, to become a duo or trio again.
The name UKE22 (pronounced UKE Twenty Two) is a combination of:
- the shortname for the Ukulele (UKE)
- a special edition U2 record called U22.
For more information on this album: U22_(album)
For more information on the instrument ukulele: Ukulele